Akane hears what he said. She is moved to tears, and quickly rubs them away before anyone notices. Just then, Ranma passes by. He puts a hand on her shoulder, looking concerned. Akane turns around, surprised.

Ranma : Akane, what's wrong?
Akane : Nothing... 

Ranma doesn't believe what she says.

Ranma : Come on, what's wrong? Girls like you don't cry easily... or wait 
	  outside a newcomer's room. It's not you.

Finally giving in, Akane decides to tell Ranma.

Akane : It's Shiyoru.
Ranma : What about him?
Akane : I think I understand now, why he acts the way he does.
Ranma : What do you mean? (Looking confused.)
Akane : I.. I was listening to Shiyoru. He.. he said something... I think 
        Shiyoru misses... his family. He's been away for years, wasn't he?
Ranma : Misses his family...? 

Ranma thinks about this. He realizes that he has had more of a family than Shiyoru ever had. Genma hardly counts, but is family nonetheless.
He turns his head to look at the closed door to Shiyoru's room.

Akane : He's trying to hide his feelings... I know it.

Surprised at Akane's sudden tenderness, Ranma stammers a little.

Ranma : I.... er... d...don't know w..what to say.
Akane : I wish we both knew though.

Suddenly, Ranma slaps his head.

Ranma : Gosh, I forgot! (Slapping his head.)
Akane : What?
Ranma : Hot water! Better let Shiyoru know...
Akane : Huh...? Oh, yes!

Just then, Shiyoru walks out of the room. Tears wiped away, Shiyoru's face is its "normal" cheery self. She looks at the two, wondering what they said.

Shiyoru (C) : What's this about hot water?

Ranma decides to take the direct approach.

Ranma : You don't know? Hot water changes a Jusenkyo cursee back to their 
        normal selves.
Shiyoru (C) : Oh! I... didn't know that.
Ranma : Here... (grabbing a kettle of hot water out of nowhere..)
Ranma : Here, douse yourself.

Shiyoru douses herself. Grimaces as she realizes the water's REALLY hot and 
turns red as a lobster. After changing back, he pats his chest to make sure 
it's flat, then looks happy.

Shiyoru : Much better!

Akane looks embarassed at something, then decides to ask.

Akane : Uh, excuse me Shiyoru....
Shiyoru : Yes?
Akane : I couldn't help but notice.... just now... I was... beg your pardon,                 
Shiyoru : Hm. You heard what I said then.
Akane : Er... yes. I was just wondering....
Shiyoru : Oh... that..? It's something I do everytime I get...lonely. 
          It helps me remember. I was bound to my promise to practice my  
	    martial arts until I became the... man... my father wanted me to 

Shiyoru puts a little emphasis on the word, Man. With an understanding of 
what Shiyoru meant, Ranma nods, and looks sympathethic to Shiyoru's 

Akane : It must be horrible to not see your family for years.
Ranma : More so than losing one.
Shiyoru : I'll... get used to it, but... I wonder about my curse. Strange... 
          did my master want this to happen? Did he know it was going to
	    happen!? His visions!

Shiyoru looks distressed, Akane and Ranma exchange looks. Then Shiyoru looks up at them.

Shiyoru : It's late now... please, let's go to bed.

Understanding that Shiyoru needs a little time alone, Akane nudges Ranma.

Akane : Yes, let's go. Come on, Ranma.

They return to their rooms, and get ready to go to bed. In Ranma's room, Ranma is thinking.

Ranma : I better tell him about my curse tomorrow. At least he won't feel so
        bad, knowing he's not alone. But, why... did he treat his curse so
	  differently than I did?

In Akane's room, Akane is thinking too.

Akane : Poor guy, I hope he sees his family soon.

In his own room, Shiyoru lies on his futon in his new home for a while, 
thinking about his life so far, his curse, his family, and how he's going to 
take it in the morning. He thinks about the ways to avoid revealing the 
truth to his family, before giving up.

Shiyoru : (Smiling cynically.) Ah, heck. What's wrong with being a girl?
          Not like I promised to kill myself if I can't be a real guy.

Shiyoru falls asleep following this line of thought, with strange dreams.

{First day of school. Kuno learns a lesson. Happosai returns.}

It is morning in Nerima, Tokyo, Japan. The Tendou household is waking up, on a school day.
At the breakfast table...

Soun : Shiyoru, I'd like to ask you... you're only 15. What education do you               
Shiyoru : Oh that, I study like other normal children, my masters let me...                                         
          except Herb. But I didn't miss much. I do a lot of self-revision.
          Schools in China seem to know my masters well....
Ranma : Huh.
Akane : I supposed you're too young to go to Furinkan High then.
Shiyoru : I guess so. But I've got complete Secondary School learning 
Ranma : Secondary school?
Shiyoru : A term in my home country... Singapore...
Ranma : Singapore hm? Interesting.
Shiyoru : Teenagers 13 years of age start, they finish at 16 or 17. I had
          some "special" influence.... as well as brains.        
Ranma & Akane : Unlike someone here....

Realizing what each other meant, they look at each other angrily.

Ranma & Akane : Hey!
Kasumi : Come on, it's about time. You're going to be late.

Just then, a letter arrives for Shiyoru. Genma recieves it, passes it to Shiyoru. Ranma and Akane are already dressed, with their books and bags in hand.

Shiyoru : Letter from Furinkan? (Opens it and reads the contents.)
Akane and Ranma : HUH?
Shiyoru : I've been accepted as the youngest student there!?
Kasumi : Congratulations, Shiyoru....
Shiyoru : I'm to collect my books there. Hm, looks like my application got                     
Akane & Ranma : Application?
Shiyoru : Don't ask me. I didn't apply for this!

The three set off for school. People start looking at the newcomer. Murmurs are heard among the students.

Student #1 : Hey, look! A new person! He's so young too!
Student #2 : Yes.... Could he be the new person principal Kuno's been                                        
             talking about?
Student #3 : I think so.
Student #1 : Why not ask?
Student #3 : Why not?

Two guys from Ranma's class walk up to Ranma.

Student #1 : Hey, Ranma! New friend?
Student #3 : Yeah, he the new student everyone's been hearing of?

Shiyoru pushes his way in.

Shiyoru : Yes, I am. Is there something I can do?
Student #1 : Well... just how young are you? You look 15.
Shiyoru : I am.

Students around them gasp.

Student #3 : You must've been the gifted one Hinako and Pricipal Kuno were 
	       talking about!
Shiyoru : Hinako?

Just then, the bell rings. Everyone heads for their classes, when a giant 
hot-air balloon floats up with a huge scroll reading " All students please 
go to the hall for a talk by the Principal."

Ranma : Now what?
Akane : It's not good, that's for sure.
Shiyoru : Come on. Let's see what he has to say...

The three go to the hall. In the hall, the podium is set up, with the 
Principal standing there.

Principal : Well well well.... hello my fine students! ha ha ha! Anyway,                                     
            back to business! We have a new student today, and he's special             
            enough for me to talk about!
Ranma : Oh no. I smell trouble.
Principal : Will the new student please come up to stage?

Shiyoru stands up sheepishly, with people turning to look at him. He walks up to stage.

Principal : Will all please welcome our new student!


Principal : Here, accept a token of my appreciation, as a welcoming gift.

Hands Shiyoru a pineapple with a fuse. Shiyoru doesn't notice until it blows up in his face. Blackened now, Shiyoru looks at the laughing Principal.

Shiyoru : Think it's funny?
Principal : haa haa haahaahaa!

Principal Kuno can't stop laughing. Shiyoru regains his calm appearance.

Shiyoru : I think you'll find this funnier. "KAJISHOTEN DAN!"

Principal Kuno is seen flying out the school's ceiling with a smoking butt, going "OUCH!". Screen changes to students walking down a corridor. Ranma is walking with Akane and Shiyoru, still shaking with weakness from that full-powered blast he gave the principal.

Ranma : Hey, Shiyoru, you ok?
Shiyoru : Yeah... just a little tired.

Shiyoru is shaking VERY visibly from weakness. Ranma decides to carry his
books for him before he faints there and then. Then he asks.

Ranma : Which class are you going to?
Shiyoru : 1-F.

A surprised expression shows itself on Ranma's face.

Ranma : I'm in 1-F!
Shiyoru : Really? That's great!

Ranma, Akane and Shiyoru make off at a brisk pace towards their class.
Classes go on as usual from then on. The usual introduction, meeting Miss 
Hinako, as well as warnings from Ranma about her Chi sucking attack.

Ranma : Be careful, Shiyoru. Hinako looks small and cute, but she's a Chi 
        sucking monster!
Shiyoru : Really? I'll be on my guard.
Hinako : Now, class, no talking! 

Hinako then asks Shiyoru to be introduced, and classes go on as usual.
When classes end for the day however, Kuno meets them at the main courtyard. Akane is looking at the scene from the school gates.

Ranma : Oh oh, Kuno's noticed you.

Kuno looks at Shiyoru contemptuously.

Kuno : Well, it looks like Ranma has a new friend. And who might you be?
Shiyoru : I'm Shiyoru Wong. Pleased to meet you.

Shiyoru holds out a hand to Kuno, who flatly refuses it.

Kuno : Well, I'm called the "Blue Thunder" or "Upperclassman" Kuno around 
	 here, so you can start by calling me "Upperclassman" Kuno.
Shiyoru : Ych, you're stuck up, way up there. (Gestures in the appropiate                         
Kuno : You dare mock me? You shall feel the wrath of my sword then! Charge!

Kuno comes charging towards Shiyoru with sword extended. Shiyoru does a gymnastic flip over the sword, landing behind him. Kuno turns around with
his sword slicing empty air as Shiyoru disappears again, and reappearing in 
his face. He thens places a finger on Kuno's forehead and causes him to 
fall, unconscious, to the floor, as everyone looks amazed.

Shiyoru : That's enough of that. Come on Ranma, let's go. I still haven't                               
          taught you the chi skills I promised last night.
Ranma : Ok.

The two rush off with Akane following, leaving everyone staring at the unconscious Kuno. Akane starts thinking.

Akane : (Thinking) What'd he use!? One touch to the head and Kuno falls!

Meanwhile, Shiyoru and Ranma are discussing the night before's events, running ahead of Akane, turning around a corner.

Shiyoru : Ranma, I've been meaning to ask you. I've only heard about your
          prowess in martial arts. But last night, who were those people? 
          How'd you know their names? Why were they looking for the waters 
          of Jusenkyo?
Ranma : Erm, this is a bit hard to explain.

Just then, they bump into Ryoga, and Shampoo decides to come down to meet Ranma, landing on his head on her bicycle.

Shampoo : Nihao, Ranma!
Ranma : Ow! Shampoo!

Then Shiyoru looks at the group assembled there.

Ryoga, Shampoo & Shiyoru : You again!

Shiyoru shakes his head. He laughs like a maniac for a while, finding 
something about this very funny.

Shiyoru : Please, come on! I forgot to ask though, who ARE you people? Why                 
          were you all looking for my Jusenkyo waters? What's going on with 
          you all? Are you all cursed!?

Just then, it pours briefly. A quick change, and all are seen in their cursed forms. Shiyoru's answer is quickly answered. (Nerima has strange weather, doesn't it?)

Shiyoru (C) : Oh. I see now.
Shampoo (C) : Miaow!
Ranma (C) : AHHHH!!! Get away from me!

Just then, Akane comes around the corner, a little wet.

Akane : Ranma? Shiyoru? What are you all doing here with Shampoo? Why, P-                
        Chan's here too!
Ranma (C) : Can we discuss this later! Get her off me!

Akane pulls Shampoo off Ranma. Shiyoru looks confused for a moment. Then she shakes her head, laughing like a nut.

Shiyoru (C) : I finally understand. Now I know why you are were looking for
              the Jusenkyo water. Ranma, why didn't you ask me if you were 
              cursed too?
Ranma (C) : I, erm... er.... forgot to tell you!
Akane : No, Ranma was too proud to ask, that's why!
Ranma (C) : Akane! I was not too proud, I was just warming up to Shiyoru!
Akane : Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say...

Just then, Shampoo jumps out of Akane's grasp. Purring, she gestures in her feline way to follow her back to the Cat Cafe. Akane scoops up P-Chan and the three follow Shampoo. Ranma and Shiyoru exchange strange glances.
In the Cat Cafe, Shampoo has just changed back. She is showing Cologne her new guests.

Shampoo : Here, grandmother. Shampoo bring strange man who had water.
Cologne : Strange "man", Shampoo?
Shampoo : Strange man got cursed after fight with us. Mousse played dirty.

Duck Mousse flies in and starts quacking indignantly.

Mousse (C) : Quack quack quack! (Did not!)
Ranma (C) : Shut up, stupid duck! (Beats Mousse off to one side.)
Shiyoru (C) : Ok, ok, ok... so far, I've still not gotten the answers I  
              need. Who ARE you people?
Cologne : What? You still don't know? Well then, an introduction is in                     

Cologne introduces herself, and Shampoo. Mousse comes along and she introduces him too. Ranma and the rest explain in turn their stories, their curses, missing out Ryoga's one though, and their reason for wanting the water.

Shiyoru (C) : So you mean to say, you people needed the water so badly? You 
              all.... could've... just ASKED!

They look skeptical, not believing she would've just given them the water if
they had asked. Shiyoru shrugs at the sentence.

Shiyoru (C) : Oh well, what's done been done... so you're all cursed?
Cologne : Yes. And your curse is to turn into a girl, like my son-in-law-to-

Onna-Ranma looks indignant at this comment.

Ranma (C) : Who're you talking about, old ghoul?
Shiyoru (C) : I don't know though. I've been thinking about this curse for
	        a while. I guess I could like it.

Shiyoru looks at her own body and shows that kind of appreciative look of having an attractive body. She flicks her hair a little. Everyone looks shocked and aghast, jaws dropped, bug eyed, and gaping like fishes out of
water, all sweating.

Ranma (C) : Shiyoru! What did you say!?
Shiyoru (C) : I could like it.
Akane : You.... a pervert? Like Ranma?
Ranma (C) : Hey!

Looking flustered, Shiyoru shakes her head and hands.

Shiyoru (C) : No... I don't mean that. I guess my master had some plans for
	        me. I guess I should try to at least accept or like my body,
	        so maybe it won't be so bad when the time comes. But the way
	        you said it, Akane..... you sound like I should be totally
	        ashamed of myself.

Looking a little embarrased, Akane looks at Shiyoru.

Akane : No, that's not what I meant... but... erm... just that....
Shiyoru (C) : I know I told you I promised to be my father's best son that
	        night, Akane, but I know my father would understand...
	        besides, my master's visions are never wrong. If he wanted me
	        to be cursed, it's for a very important cause. I guess I'll
	        have to live with being a half girl for a while.

Akane and everyone else present share very, VERY bewildered glances.

Shiyoru (C) : But then again, I did say I would make my old man PROUD of his               
              SON. Some proudness he's going to get out of a half boy.

A moment of silence. Then Ranma breaks the silence.

Ranma (C) : Come on, Shiyoru... let's get back to the Dojo. I'm itching to
            learn those moves you said you'd teach me!
Shiyoru (C) : (Face brightening.) Oh, yes, I nearly forgot! Well then, come
              on! See you all...

The two get up and leave. Akane, Shampoo and Cologne look at each other.

Cologne : Akane, what's up with this Shiyoru youngster?
Akane : It's a long story....

The screen changes to the dojo, where both Ranma and Shiyoru, back in male form, are wearing gis, to prepare for Ranma's training.

Shiyoru : Now, Ranma, I know you may have seen this kind of Chi aura before, 
          around older and more experienced martial artists like Cologne and 

Looking surprised that Shiyoru would know without seeing them in action, 
Ranma regains his composure.

Ranma : Yes, but how did you...
Shiyoru : Nevermind that. Herb taught me enough to know who uses what
	    skills. Anyway, this "Shotenno gawa Chikara"...

Ranma looks annoyed at the word "Shoten" again.

Ranma : Shoten again? (Shoten means dragon.) Are all your skills linked
	  to Dragons!?
Shiyoru : Yes. When I discovered Herb was half dragon, I was a bit unnerved,
          but the skills she taught me were incredible.
Ranma : oh, yeah.... anyway, you were saying..?

Shiyoru thinks, then remembers what he was saying.

Shiyoru : Anyway... this "Shotenno gawa Chikara" is used to strengthen your-
	    self. It's got its good points, but I should warn you...
Ranma : I can manage. (Too confidently, even before Shiyoru can tell him the 
        side effects.)
Shiyoru : Well, it's your choice.... watch. SHOTEN-no gawa CHIKARA!

Shiyoru bursts into a Chi flame aura, and the ground around him is burned and cratered in an instant, a shockwave spreading from his sudden burst. Ranma looks on, impressed. Shiyoru douses the aura and looks at Ranma.

Shiyoru : Now, let the training begin.

The two train for hours on end. In fact, they miss lunch completely. But, Ranma, the prodigy at learning skills as he is, masters this quickly. He doesn't know just how critical it was going to be later in the story. It is late afternoon now.

Ranma : Haa haa! I've mastered it! That was fast!

Ranma laughs confidently. Shiyoru looks a little worried.

Shiyoru : Now, remeber what I told you. Using this skill, any and every 
          attack you use will be increased in power and speed dependent on 
          how strong your latent Chi is. Another thing, this skill is 
          special, because your chi is now more easily manifested and used
          for attacks. 
Ranma : One more thing... how... did you become so fast at that time, you 
        caught the cup, and... tossed Happosai out using his own pipe?

Ranma thinks back to that time. Shiyoru laughs a little.

Shiyoru : Oh! That! Simple, actually. Since this Combat Manifest chi renders
          your chi much more easily accessible, you can use it in quick 
          bursts to improve your speed DRAMATICALLY. Also, your body will
          draw upon this "instant chi", shall we call it?, for any actions
          you may wish to use faster than usual. That's how I used mine.

Ranma looks incredulously at his fingers, tries to move them quickly, but fails.

Ranma : How do I do that? I can't seem to make my fingers move faster!
Shiyoru : DOH! It won't work with just FINGERS! Just.... try. Here, catch!

Shiyoru tosses a pebble from the groud towards Ranma with bullet speed. Without conscious thought, Ranma snatches it out of the air even faster than he believed possible. He looks unbelievingly at his hand.

Shiyoru : Shocking? It gets some time to get used to. Don't worry. Come, 
          let's try this now, without the Combat Manifest. See how you like 
          your newfound unmanifested speed and power. But, there are still
          those disadvantages I mentioned about your Combat Manifest....
Ranma : Oh, nevermind the disadvantages! Surely the advantages outweigh the 
Shiyoru : If you wish... come on!

They train until night-time. Ranma looks exhilirated at his newfound 
abilities. That night, as the two are at the dinner table eating their 
dinner, the door opens. A ragged form appears in the doorway. Ranma and 
Shiyoru turn to see who it is, and find out it is Happosai. He points an 
accusing finger at Shiyoru.

Happosai : You...  you...!

*clunk*. He collapses. Soun, Genma and Ranma run over, wraps him into a package, and toss him into the nearest bin. But Happosai leaps out again.

Happosai : You, youngster! I shall have my revenge! No one blasts Happosai 
           and gets away with it!

Soun and Genma look very worried, as Happosai stomps off angrily. Shiyoru 
shows no sign of anxiety whatsoever. But just then, all martial arts capable 
people at the table shudder as they feel a wave of powerful chi pass through 
them. Shiyoru and Ranma feel a threatening energy directed at them.

Ranma : Killer chi! Watch out!

Ranma and Shiyoru intercept two thrown objects that fly through the paper 
walls of the Tendou household. They look at them and realise they are cards.

{The Invitation. An offer too good to miss. Herb's Secret.}        

The cards Ranma and Shiyoru intercept are made of white cardboard. On one 
side, a dragon encircling a Yin-Yang symbol is embossed, on the other, 
crisp, black and precise wordings are printed, in chinese.

Ranma : What are these cards? They're written in chinese script.
Shiyoru : Let me read them. I know chinese.

Shiyoru takes Ranma's card and reads it. He then hands it back to Ranma. He 
reads his own card. Looking astonished, he puts his card down.

Ranma : What is it?
Shiyoru : An invitation.
Ranma : Invitation?
Shiyoru : Yes... to a fight in China. A Jusenkyo Tournament.
Akane & Ranma : Jusenkyo Tournament?
Shiyoru : Yes. Ranma, your cards says that your prize will include a cure to
          your "condition".
Ranma : Wha..?

Shiyoru stops Ranma's question with a wave of his hand.

Shiyoru : My prize will be visiting my family... and an end to my curse....
Ranma : Who's the sender?
Shiyoru : Someone named Regal....

Shiyoru looks dreamy at this prospect. But at that time, Shiyoru and Ranma weren't the only people to get invitations. All over the world, Jusenkyo cursed people were recieving such cards. Ryoga, Shampoo, Mousse, Pantyhose Taro to say a few, and Herb....

In China, in a cave furnished in the traditional Chinese style, sometime during the Tang Dynasty's era of furnishing, Herb is sitting on a chair, when Lime and Mint come up to him with a card.

Herb : What is this.....?
Lime : I'm not sure, master. We intercepted this as we were coming in.
Herb : Pass it here.

Mint passes it to him. Herb reads it for a moment. It reads :

"Dear Herb,
   Shocked to know I'm alive? Don't be. I know what you're thinking. Don't worry. I hope you remember how to read my cards and letters. All the information is on this card.
                                             -LOVE, Regal." 

His face goes deathly white.

Herb : No... it can't be... I thought he was dead...
Lime & Mint : Who? Who's dead?
Herb : My BROTHER....Regal....

Memory flashback. Herb and his older brother Regal are walking up a mountain side. Herb is 50 years old, his brother 350.

Herb : Brother, what is this strange talisman you seek?
Regal : The Yin-Yang talisman of eternal life.... with this, immortality are
        ours for the taking. We can rule the world!
Herb : Im..Imm..Immortality? Eternal life? 
Regal : The one and only. Now, come on! It's got to be up here in this 
        mountain! We've tried every other!
Herb : Ok, brother. But I'm tired!
Regal : You wimp! You want to stop just because you're tired!?
Herb : NO!

The two climb the mountain. They come across a sealed cavern door, halfway up the rock face. The door is a giant boulder.

Regal : This must be it.
Herb : You sure?
Regal : Trust me, I'm older by 300 years!
Herb : Ok.
Regal : Help me blast this thing open.

The two combine efforts and blast the door open with a chi fireball. The two walk in. The cavern is made of pure quartz and other crystals, all glimmering. A faint glow is seen off in the distance.

Regal : It is this place, a place "Where the walls sparkle bright in the 
        darkest nights, where the light at the end of the tunnel is life."
Herb : I don't like this place, brother....       
Regal : What's wrong, afraid? A dragon prince, afraid? 
Herb : Of course not!
Regal : Then let's move.

The two walk along the corridor. However, Regal's lore is only part complete. What he failed to read up on was that, only true masters of Yin and Yang could ever hope to go beyond half the tunnel. Death was the reward to those who weren't. The tunnel started to rumble. Herb and Regal exchange worried glances.

Herb : Brother, I think we'd best be off....
Regal : Nonsense! Eternal life so close at hand, how can I give it up!?
Herb : But...
Regal : No buts! Are you with me or against me?
Herb : (Giving in.) I guess I'm with you.
Regal : That's my brother. Come on.

The two keep walking, heedless of the ominous rumblings. Then, a quartz stalactite crashes next to Herb. The place is coming apart.

Herb : Brother! We must leave! This place, it's trapped!
Regal : No! The talisman is nearly ours! I must have it!

Regal is caught in some crazed trance.... Herb pulls on his shoulder, begging him to leave, but he refuses. Then a large stalactite nearly impales Herb there and then. Shaking, Herb tells his brother...

Herb : Brother, if you're not leaving, I will! Death is not worth the 
       consideration as a second alternative!
Regal : Then leave me, coward!

The place is absolutely rocking by now. Boulders start falling off. Herb is seen running for the exit, but then hears his brother's screams.

Regal : Oh no! Help!!!

Herb turns around as he reaches the exit. But the entire entrance collapses. Herb looks desperate.


The scene changes back to the present day Herb, pondering over this change of events.

Herb : Lime, Mint, get packing. We're leaving for Japan.
Lime : Japan?
Herb : There're some old friends I need to warn...
Mint : Master Herb... are there going to be girls there?
Herb : Shut up.

To Yin and Yang, part 4
Back to the Ranma 1/2 Library